General Public Programs
The Nature Center offers fun, recreation activities for the public, school groups, special interest groups and tourists.
- Trail Walks and Birding are available year-round, while Snowshoeing and Cross-Country Skiing are extremely popular during winter months. Loaning of equipment is FREE.
- Sizes of snowshoes and ski equipment are available for adults and children. (Children’s 11-Size 18)
- Guide books and binoculars are available to use on-site free of charge.
- Guided walks are available year-round, high-lighted by our winter “Moonlight Ski-n-Snowshoe” programs.
- Come for a leisurely walk on our 6 miles of color-coded trails and allow a naturalist to teach you something new about the natural world.
Some programs that are offered are: Swamp School, Rock Painting, Lawn Fishing, Fishing 101, (Tree ID, Photography, Bat, Moonlight, Sights of Fall…etc) Walk, Snowshoeing and Skiing 101 (Advanced programs too), Survival Skills, Primitive Fire Starting, Camping Skills, Knot Tying…etc.
Here at the Nicandri Nature Center we offer day camps during the holiday and summer breaks of the school year. We offer: Summer Day Camp, Winter Day Camp, and just recently, Virtual Day Camp.
Find Out What Is Happening
Check out our events calendar to find what is happening at the Nicandri Nature Center. Events are open for the public to enjoy.